We went to a local farmers market in San Luis Obispo yesterday and was reminded why we don't go to this on very often . There is a sea of people for 4 blocks and you can't really enjoy walking because you are constantly trying to avoid running in to others. Mera can't walk in the crowd so I have to carry her most of time and we all have to walk single file to snake through the crowds . In other words it's just too crowded for our taste,but we did get some good peaches:-) There is another farmers market on Saturday and it is much much nicer.
Meradeth is getting so grown up. It sure is alot colder in CA then here. I love your weather and the peaches are beautiful. I guess they were grown in CA.
Oh, those peaches look SO good! The peaches in the stores here are about 1/4 of the size of those.
If I'm not mistaken, Meradeth's sweater was bought by Aunt Katie for Allyson long ago. It is very cute on her, Kristin! :)
Meradeth is getting soooo big!! And I agree about the peaches, even in FL they don't look that beautiful. Of course I have never gone to a Farmer's Market...usually get them from a little place called Winn Dixie produce section.
I bought three peaches for 3 dollars and promptly ate all three. They were the best I have had. I HATE this farmer's market because its not really a farmer's market. There are only a few stands with produce. The rest is a free for all idiot fest. There are a lot of weird people that love going to this thing. There were some new agers wtih signs saying free hugs.
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