Cleaning the kitchen after making cookies and chocolate whipped cream for my coffee.

Working on the laundry.

Getting my face washing out of the way! Looks like
I may want to give the mirror a quick wash while
I'm in here.

Pouring my coffee to enjoy while watching House Hunters.

Finally...time to relax!!
Now wasn't that thrilling, everyone?!
O...K...so, let's say I now understand why you don't post often...boooorrring! LOL! :)
I'm just kidding!
I would LOVE to have an evening like yours! Give Gracie a big squeeze from her Aunt Candace!
Your evening is exciting just like mine. I had fun looking at your pictures. I would have liked to have some of the coffee with the whipped cream and I like to watch house hunters also.
I dont think that your day is boring at all. I think that you have found success because you are happily relaxed. Not many people are like that.
Ya know, its funny, the first thing I thought when I went on the blog this morning and saw that top picture of you, katie, is...I thought that kevin had taken a pic of me cleaning and put it up there. You looked just like me in that picture for a second.
Is that a Gevalia coffee maker, Katie?
Yes it is, Candace. Do you have one? I have not been all that impressed with this one. I liked my old Walmart coffee pot better.
I don't have one...I have a Mr. Coffee brand.
But the reason I asked is, I received an offer from Gevalia to buy some of their coffee and then they would send me a free coffee maker....and it looked EXACTLY like your coffee maker! :)
I didn't take them up on their offer...now I'm glad I didn't since you don't give the coffee maker a very high rating.
There's brown dawg trying to get some of Aunt Katie's drink! Hahaha!
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