Thursday, January 22, 2009

Important notice!

All the supervisors where Kevin works received this email memo today. Kevin thought I would like, he forwarded it to me...

All employees will in the future be required to look HAPPY.

Company approved supplies for the Employee Happiness Kit will be issued at little or no cost to you.

Is your work load too heavy?
Do you feel stressed?
Too many priority assignments?

The solution to cope is:

The company will supply two rubber bands and paper clips as shown in figure 1 and assemble them as shown in figure 2.

Figure 1.....................&....................Figure 2
Apply as shown in Figure 3
Figure 3

Any questions?


Anne said...

That is really funny. Daddy and I got a good laugh from that idea. You need to make a contraption for everyone in the family and take a picture?

Katie said...

This is hillarious, Candace!!

Kristin said...

WOW, its nice to see that his company has a great sense of humor. They were kidding, right?

Candace said...

Yes, Kristin...just a joke. :P