Tuesday, May 24, 2011

First animals on the farm


Anne said...

How many little babies do you have in the tub, Allyson? Kaleb,how did you come up with your rooster's name? How long will you have to wait for eggs Kaleb? Have you gotten their hen house all cleaned up for them to move into Allyson?

Katie said...

That's sure a lot of little chicks, Ally and Kaleb. I see a lot of egg picking in your future, Allyson. How did you decide which rooster you was going to be your pet, Kaleb? Is there more than one rooster there? I love both of your names. You both are so cute and sweet.

Anne said...

Grandaddy says....
Dear K.aleb, A.llyson and T.ravis, I know you love your new home, do you feel like farmers yet? Have you named your farm/ranch yet? maybe Cackle Berry Acres or the Lazy K.A.T ranch, or Kevin's Kiddy's farm , or Mommy's horsey hideout, or Knuklehead dude ranch. What do you think would be a good name for you new home?
I love you all....Grandaddy

Candace said...

Allyson says...
There are 27 chicks, Grandmother. No, I haven't cleaned out the hen house yet. A tree fell on it this morning, but it didn't do any damage.
We don't have any other animals, so I don't feel like a farmer yet, Grandaddy. I like Lazy K.A.T. Ranch! I love you, Grandmother and Grandaddy.
Kaleb says...
One day I watched a movie and the king in the movie was named Bombo...so that's where I got my chicken name. Roosters don't lay eggs, Grandmother.
Aunt Katie, I picked out my rooster from a chicken catalog...he's going to be very colorful. I think it's the only rooster.
Yes, Grandaddy, I feel like a farmer. I like Knucklehead Dude Ranch! I love you, Grandmother and Grandaddy!