Here is a picture of Meradeth's teeth the morning after. Her lip swelling went down so much. You can see the it is her right tooth (your left) and it is now quite a bit lower and pushed slightly behind the other one. I think it is way to loose to ever be able to heal, but we will see. She loved going to the dentist and just had a great time with Dr. Wells. They had their own little conversation and she told him the whole story. It was so great. He said that we should keep an eye on it and let them know if it doesn't firm up or if it shows signs of infection.
I just laugh everytime I look at Meradeth. She is so funny. I would have enjoyed seeing her talking to the dentist. A new experience for her. Glad she liked it. I hope the tooth gives her no problems and she can keep it.
Awwww, poor little Mera. She looks as sweet and precious as ever. What a little angel. I sure hope her tooth stays in there.
I can see into the future...Meradeth and Silas having the bright idea of carrying their baby sibling on a folding chair and him/her falling through it.
Wasn't it Kristin we did that to, Katie? :)
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