Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Happy Birthday, Katie!!! WE LOVE YOU


Kristin said...

Well, Katie, you are one of my first test subjects on doing these birthday collages. I had a great time getting it ready. I love you and I hope you have a wonderful birthday. I chose these pictures because they are some of my favorites. I love the one of you and Eric. I miss you and I wish we could all be together on your birthday. We will be soon. You are one of the best sisters anyone could ever have!

Anne said...

Happy Birthday Katie darling,
All of the pictures that Kristin chose are great but I have to say my favorite is the one of you and daddy. My water broke with you the night before we went to the hospital. The next day daddy went to work, he always drove with a neighbor because we only had one car, and I called him at work in the morning and told him that we better go to the hospital. If you had been number 3 or 4 I would have had enough sense to have waited longer. So I drove to the shipyard and picked up daddy and he drove top speed through red lights all the way to Hampton hospital. You were born 15 hours later. So you see there was no rush. I remember holding you in my arms. How sweet and precious you were and still are to me.

grandaddy said...

Dear Katie,
I hope Eric is baking you a birthday cake...that would be something to capture on video!! The pictures are great because they remind you of how many people love YOU. You are extra special, and our love for you increases with each passing year. So that should make you look forward to each birthday. We are crazy about you now so you can imagine what its going to be like when your 90!Happy birthday, just remember, You are just getting started good at age 34...... I love you, Daddy

Katie said...

Kristin, you did a fantastic job on your first collage! Your story made me laugh, Mama, especially the 15 hour part. I'm sure it wasn't so humerous to you at the time. You really are such an interesting writer, Mama...maybe you should write a book? Daddy, if Eric baked me a cake, I would definitely video that! He would probably eat most of the ingredients before they had the chance to be baked into a cake. HAHA! Unfortunately, he is working tonight, so we are going to celebrate this weekend instead.

I am so blessed to have such a wonderful family and I love you all so much! Sure can't wait until September when I can see some of you!

Candace said...

I'm just getting in from a long day out and about. Great job on the collage, Kristin...I officially now pass the torch of making birthday posts to you. :)

Happy Birthday, Katie! So now is it this year that you will think you are only 33?