Sunday, January 31, 2010

Where in the world are Allyson, Kaleb, and Travis?

Well, do ya know?
Allyson took this picture while I drove over the Clinch River(less then 2 miles from our house). I think she did a super job! :)


Anne said...

Daddy guessed it right away, the duck pond in Fountian City right below the church. Looks like a pretty day.

grandaddy said...

Allyson you sure take beautiful pictures. It is hard to believe you are such a big girl now! We cant wait to see & kiss your sweet face.

Lula said...

Awe, did you all go by there today? It looks so pretty!

Kristin said...

Kevin had this opened on his computer and I saw the first picture and I said, "that place looks familiar." Should I recognize this place. Seems like I would be too young to have remembered this place.

Katie said...

Fountain City! Yes, I recognize it! When did you guys go here? Do the kids think it's neat that they're living in the same area that their mother grew up in? Have you taken the family to Strawberry Plains yet? Shown them the Piggly Wiggly where we got those boxes of bones for Buckwheat? :-)

Katie said...

Ally, what a beutiful job did taking that picture. You are really becoming a real professional photographer. That is pretty enough to put into a picture frame and hang on the wall for decoration!