Monday, July 27, 2009

Sunday school

Kaleb and his SS teacher and class.

My 4th grade girls bus class. They are so sweet, and I love them all!

Yesterday was Bus Sunday...all the bus kids, workers, teachers, and choir sang a special Sunday morning. Can you spot Kevin in the choir...and me down w/my class?
(all pictures courtesy of Saundra Hoffert)


photozmom said...

It was so funny, as I was heading downstairs from taking your pictures, I spotted Kaleb's class ( I hadn't even spotted him) and started to take a picture, and he SPUN around in his seat to pose for me.... I guess he knows what to do when he sees M! !! :O) It WAS a great day! I am SURE you are an AMAZING teacher !!! Those girls are SO blessed !!!

Katie said...

I see you! You are next to the organ and Kevin is in the choir right above you! You look like the sweetest Sunday School teacher in the whole world. Did you ever think sitting in our classes growing up that you would be doing that yourself one day? I am so proud to have a sister like you.

The Whitleys said...

Must of sounded great with all the kids.
Yes I spotted you both right away on the right too.

grandaddy said...

Dear Saundra Hoffert,
Thank you for the pictures, you and your husband are such a blessing to the Hanna family and because you are you are a blessing to us too....we deeply appreciate your kindness and friendship

Anne said...

I wish I could sit in on your class, Candace. Your girls look very sweet. What a privilege you have to be their teacher. I spotted both you and Kevin right away.

photozmom said...

It is our pleasure!! We happen to LOVE this family! THEY are such a blessing to us !!!God has been so good to us to give us such an amazing church family!

Kristin said...

I didn't know you were a sunday school teacher, candace!!! I wonder if Ally will ever be in your class. Love the pictures. Its so exciting to get a glimpse in your family's life.

grandaddy said...

Dear Candace,
I'm so proud of you for teaching ss. It is a pretty thankless job....but to think that the Dear Lord Jesus could use you to have an eternal influence on those young girls....and that you could do something for HIM!!!

Candace said...

Thank you, Daddy...your appreciation means a lot to me!
I could never be as good a SS teacher as you are...but I am glad I'm following in your footsteps.