Monday, July 20, 2009

Mama's Birthday!

Tomorrow, July 21, is our precious mother's birthday! Twelve people love you immensely and treasure you greatly! All of us can't get enough of you or take our eyes off you! :)
A stay-at-home wife, mother, and homeschooling mama decided against a "career life" to rear and nurture her children in the LORD. After accomplishing that feat, being the intelligent woman that she is, my mother then returned to college and acquired her Bachelors in Math Education.
No matter how far away we live from our mother, she always stays endearingly close to all her children and grandchildren. We still rely on her wisdom, guidance, and affection.
I love you, Mama. There has never been or is or ever will be another mother as perfectly marvelous as YOU!
Happy Birthday, Mama!


Anne said...

Candace,how kind of you to take the time to put together such a special present,and how much your words mean to me. I have tears of joy. I loved the career of "keeper of the home" that the Lord had for me; and to have had the privilege of staying home with my four precious darlings are memories I treasure everyday. And we all had the joy everyday of looking forward to our sweet husband and father coming home from work. We certainly had a wonderful life together,didn't we? Now all of us are living here-and-there, but there is not a day that I regret---just the opposite--- but rejoice and thank the Lord for my husband, children,grandchildren and sons-in-law(and Eric our soon to be and much loved new addition);and that I had the privilege of being with Katie, Candace, Caleb and Kristin everyday,all day when you all were growing up.

Allyson said...

Happy birthday, Grandmother! I am going to call you tomorrow, and we will have a nice long talk.

Kristin said...

Well, I can't add anything to Candace's great tribute, only to agree whole-heartedly. You are a very special lady, Mama. I can only repeat what I have said in the past, that I can only hope I allow God to help me be as great mother as you are.

Katie said...

Yes there isn't much left to say after that wonderful post you put, Candace. I hope you have a fantastically, wonderful birthday, Mama!! I know Daddy will have something good for you up his sleeve and I know your phone will be ringing off the hook today with birthday calls. I sure wish I was there to give you a big hug and kiss, but it won't be long now! I LOVE YOU!!

Katie said...


Candace, that is SOOO neat you how did Mama's birthday blog picture. She's in the middle and everyone is around her looking at her and smiling! You are so creative and smart it's just crazy!

Kevin H said...

Hope you have a wonderful birthday evening!! I sure am thankful for having a mother-in-law like you!! :)

Eric said...

I hope you have a wonderful birthday. I can't express how thankful I am to be marrying the most wonderful woman in the world and to be getting the most awesome mother-in-law in the world at the same time. I can't wait to see you guys in September!!

The Whitleys said...

Happy Birthday!

Hope you had a great day.

grandaddy said...

To my dear precious wife
These verses below describe you exactly.
--You are my treasure--
Pr 31:10 ¶ Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies.
--You are my crown--
She Pr 12:4 ¶ A virtuous woman is a crown to her husband:
--You are my glory--
1Cor 11:7b...but the woman is the glory of the man.
--You were created just for me--
1Cor 11:9 created...the woman for the man.
--What amazing favor HE's shown me--
Pr 18:22 ¶ Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing, and obtaineth favour of the LORD.
--You're my soul mate for life--
Pr 31:12 She will do him good and not evil all the days of her life.
...she.. worketh willingly with her hands.
--You are my help from the Lord--Pr 19:14 ¶ House and riches are the inheritance of fathers: and a prudent wife is from the LORD.
1Co 11:9 created...the woman for the man.
--You are the best wife of all time--
Pr 31:11 The heart of her husband doth safely trust in her, so that he shall have no need of spoil.

Candace said...

I would say YOU are an extremely blessed woman, Mama!