Allyson and Kaleb have been doing such a super job in school that we made today a field trip to the Children's Museum in Oak Ridge, TN. The pictures below are just some of the rooms. I didn't get pictures of the other rooms we went to such as The Rain Forest, Bird Room, The Gym, Pioneer Living, and International Gallery.
Spaceship Playscape
Waterworks...which operated on a system of dams. Giving a childlike example of all the dams that TVA built.
Child size kitchen and living room
The outside of the full scale dollhouse...Kaleb going through the front door. In the upstairs was a child size bedroom and bathroom w/all the furniture to go w/it.
The World of Trains Room
Puppet Room
This fascinating room...well, fascinating for a history enthusiast like myself...was very interesting...
In 1942, a "secret city" sprang up in a Tennessee valley, as Allied scientists raced to beat the Germans at developing enriched uranium to fuel the first atomic bomb. In 1942, partly through Einstein's influence, President Roosevelt authorized the top-secret Manhattan Project. The "Secret City" grew to a population of 75,000, was the fifth largest city in Tennessee and was not even on the map. That city is Oak Ridge...about 10 miles south of Clinton.
This room gives all the details about that period of history. The Oak Ridge National Laboratory still exist today and researches computational sciences, biological sciences, and neutron sciences...whatever that is. :)
The kids climb up that lookout tower to search for spies in the secret city that have been placed around the room.
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